Shot of an attractive young woman using a digital tablet in an office

Ep 35: The Power in Asking For Help

After our episode on working smarter, we thought it would be appropriate to follow with some advice on implementing rule #1: “Ask for help.” Many women have no issue with offering help and being the cheerleading squad for their friends, but these same women have a hard time asking others for the same support. The fact is that we think that we can or should be able to do it all by ourselves. However, the reality is that there is no reason that we should struggle alone. In this episode, we propose that you start asking for help and watch how it changes everything.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  1. Brandice & Sybil discuss times when it was the most difficult to ask for help
  2. The wonders that occur when you ask for help
  3. Reasons we don’t ask for help
  4. 5 things to remember when it’s time to ask for help

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Binge on Seasons 1 and 2!

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Ep 34: Simple Ways to Work Smarter vs. Harder

Ep 36: Girl, Get Out of Your Way – No More Self Sabotage