Ep 33: Forgive, Forgive, & Forgive Some More!

Ep 33: Forgive, Forgive, & Forgive Some More!

Forgive, Forgive, & Forgive Some More! We’ve all felt wronged at some point in our lives. That wrong could have taken place yesterday, a week ago, or ten years ago, but we often continue to hold on to that hurt and withhold forgiveness. Why do we choose unforgiveness? When we choose not to forgive, we end up holding the weight of past wrongs all for ourselves. In this episode we discuss what forgiveness is and how it can mean accessing greater freedom for ourselves and our personal relationships.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  1. The meaning of true forgiveness
  2. Why we have to stop unforgiveness
  3. 5 ways to start forgiving

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Ep 32: The Dating Game: Preferences vs Standards

Ep 34: Simple Ways to Work Smarter vs. Harder