Ep 30: Entrepreneur’s Corner – Mompreneurship (Guest Girlfriend Jennifer Purnell)

In the past, we’ve discussed the “cliff jump,” that potentially life-changing decision you make when it’s just time to do it. Today we’d like to give you an example of one woman who did her cliff jump and wound up with a new, flourishing career. Jennifer Purnell, owner of September Nail Salon in Memphis, TN, was climbing the corporate ladder before her cliff jump. In this episode, she explains what motivated her to become an entrepreneur and what she learned along the way.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  1. The steps Jennifer took to turn an idea into a business
  2. The highs and lows in her experience with entrepreneurship
  3. 3 pieces of advice for all the great girlfriends thinking about quitting their jobs and starting something of their own

Learn More

If you’re in Memphis, TN, we highly recommend stopping by September Nail Salon. If you’d like to get in touch with Jennifer or see what September Nail Salon is up to, you can follow along on Instagram (@SeptemberNailSalon), Facebook (September Nail Salon), and Twitter (@SeptemberSalon).

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Ep 29: The Entrepreneur’s Corner: Corpreneurship (Guest Girlfriend: Tiffany “R” Warren)

Ep 31: Now or Later – The Truth About Procrastination