
Do Good with Jackie Nickelberry and Iesha Reed

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”- Anne Frank

We can’t think of a truer statement. Giving is the gateway to a more abundant life. And, it’s important to cultivate generosity in our everyday lives if we want to create change in our world. Listen in this week as the founders of Global Gift Registry, Jackie Nickelberry and Iesha Reed, share their story of generating charity in the middle of a global pandemic.

Listen and learn:

  1. How an “aha” moment ignited two women to generate charity
  2. Why it’s important to “see” the people we encounter every day
  3. The mission of Global Gift Registry and it’s founders
  4. How the village mindset keeps us strong

Be sure to support Global Gift Registry today at . Love this episode? Leave your review on iTunes now! #thegreatgirlfriends

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